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Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's a boy

A week ago somebody decided they no longer had a need for a dog and discarded their dog in our driveway. So we called around to see if anyone was missing a puppy and didn't have any luck. So it was off to the veterinarian to have the health of the puppy examined and to see if the dog had been chipped. For those that are not familiar with electronic chipping is just a chip that is inserted under the surface of the skin that has all the dogs information.
After determining the puppy needed some TLC we after much discussion we ultimately decided to adopt him into our family. Which also meant he had to have all his shots. $40.00 dollars later, that was accomplished.

After all the dust had settled we finally named him Bo.
Now Max has a friend to play with and share his home. Don't think Max really likes the idea, cause the kids spend more time with Bo. So the kids bathe both dogs and here they are drying off.

The Veterinarian determined that Bo is about three months old and a Lab mixed with a Perriness. But how cute is that. How do you say no to that face.

Here we have another snow storm, that like any other we're constantly digging out off.

Hunter has really stepped up to the plate this year, with the snow removal. He's out there every hour trying to stay ahead of the game. Thanks Bear. With everybody working it has been really nice to have the extra help. This year is no exception to any other, there is always an abundance of snow.

Mikey's toys

Well this summer Mikey decided to purchase a four wheeler, that we were not excited about. Quick little piece of Jap. crap, but we seem to spend more time fixing it.

Then he grew tired of removing the shell from his truck so he bought a trailer.

He also got a deer this year, so we have a lot of deer steaks and roast meat.
He has a goal of returning to the Cook Islands next summer, some how we don't see how he'll accomplish the task at hand when he keeps spending.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving in Colorado.

The week of Thanksgiving the weather fore cast was for a lot of snow, infact the weather man called it the biggest blizzard in Utah. So Mom bought a few things just in case we were snowed in. But we were blessed and the snow fall was minor so we made the trip.
We decided this year we were going to travel to Colorado for a few reasons.
1. We were able to attend Blake's Basketball Tournament. It's not to often that we are able to watch Blake play, but now that they are only 3 1/2 hours away maybe we can make the trip more often. (Oh and La-Shana has a friend that can get us cheap rooms at the Sheraton).

2. We wanted to spend Thanksgiving with the Francoms. This year Mom did something a little different and decided not to cook but to go out to dinner. That was all good till we saw how long the line was at the restaurant, not to mention how cold it was, so Mom and La-Shana stood in line while we found a Wal Mart to roam around in. Overall dinner was great and we spent the rest of the evening at the Francom's. Before we travelled to Colorado, La-Shana asked us to bring the Wii system and the game Just Dance. So you can imagine what consumed a lot of our time.

Here's the old man and Makenna.

3. We were able to spend time as a family away from everything. We had a lot of fun and our host weren't that bad either. La-Shana and Blake dominated Just Dance, we didn't stand a chance. The weather was cold so there wasn't much we could do outside, but Hunter and Dad braved the weather and went hot tubbing. We also spent a lot of time at Chucky Cheese got lucky a few times.

Blakes family also made the trip.

How cute is that.

Max and Keila were unable to make the trip, But we did have Mikey's girlfriend with us. She's been nick named "Cub"

La-Shana and her Elf, Makenna setting up her Christmas tree.

Hunter & Blake playing the Wii. (while Blake is watching football)

Because Mom had bought a few things before we made the trip, when we arrived home mom started cooking up the food that she had bought before we left, that was yummy