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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bear Lake

We got a call from Auntie Deb. this weekend and she extended a invitation to out family to join their family for a day of boating on Bear Lake. We needed a break so we jumped at the opportunity, packed up and we were gone.
It was a little windy but we had a lot of fun. The little ones enjoy each others company an especially the sand

The older crowd got to catch up and reminisce the good old days. Man has everybody grown. Haven't seen Lamoni in a long time so that was great.

The water seemed a little cold, but if you were tubing, wake boarding or knee board it didn't matter. Our Dad thought he would have a hard time wake boarding, but he said it was like riding a bike.

Oh the food was great as usual

Here we were skim boarding, had the camera ready for any face plants, but that never happened.

Blake, Shana, Ethan and Mikey's date Kira travelled to Bear Lake, we hope they all had a good time.
We also got to play some three on three football and that was a lot of fun in the sand oh and exhausting

Here's Mom cooking up the burgers or what ever you wanted. Thanks Mom you're the Best

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hunter's Birthday

Well it's that time of the year, yes another Birthday to celebrate and it just happens to be Hunter's, that only means more Lego's will accumulate in our home. Hunter will be turning 10 years old this year, where did all the time go, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAR. The weather was beautiful so we decided to have a pool party. So we asked the Francom's if we could use their back yard and pool. It turned out really well and Hunter and our family got to enjoy each others company, in our family that can be a good thing or a not so good thing.

Anyway all went well, the water was great and yes the food was great as usual. The kids swam and played till they were exhausted. We thought the men were going to have a Chin Up Contest but all we heard was a lot of excuses. I think our Dad challenged Blake to a race but don't think a date has been set. Ohh did not realise with all the food we had that Jazlyn had made a cheese cake, well maybe it was just as well.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ashlyn's Baptism

Saturday we worked up exhausted and in desperate need of energy to attend Ashlyn's Baptism. We have not yet got over the long drive back home from California, but today is a very special day in Ashlyn's life and we want to be a part of it. It was really good to see Ron and Eileen Gonzalez, it has been a while. Always nice to be in the company of those that are able lift you up and make you feel good inside. Lets not forget Christine Gonzales, Grandma & Pa and of course Joe. Auntie Leanne's brother. The Baptism was short and sweet and the spirit was truly there in attendance, the speakers were inspiring. Alan & Leanne had other friends there and was good to meet them. Oh.. Blake & La-Shana were also in attendance and fellow team mate Ryo Tanaka. It has been really nice to have the whole family home. This should be a great summer for our family. Lots of really good food, you hate to say it, but it is always fun to visit with family cause the food is always outstanding.

Uncle Joe and Dad

Mom and Christine

The Gonzalez's

Where are we ????

The following morning we headed back home and could only hope not to have to go through the same fiasco as we did driving to California. So we set the GPS for home and followed directions. 4 hours later we arrived at a Ranger station where they asked for $20 to pass through Yosemite Park, we informed him that we had no intentions of driving through the park and that our GPS had sent us in that direction. After a brief discussion on our where abouts, we were informed that the road that the GPS had lead us to had been closed for over 30 years. Then we decided as long as we were here we may as well drive through Yosemite and just enjoy the park, it was very beautiful and we saw a mountain lion, that was exciting, would love to go camping there some day. After we pass through the park we gased up the vehicles and the GPS said it was a shorter distance to travel through the mountains, so we did, how were we to know that the road was winding roads at 25 miles for over 150 miles. We climb as high as 8700 feet in elevation and passed through mountains and lots of snow, yes snow and tons of it and never saw another vehicle which really bothered us. The view was intense but we just wanted to be home. You have to remember we were pulling a loaded 6x12 trailer on a basically one way road through the mountains.

After passing through the mountains and another four hour we could finally see signs to Reno Nevada. We could relax now that we were back to civilization. We had been driving for 15 hours and decided to get some sleep cause we still had 7 hours left to arrive home. We spent the night in a small butt hole town called Lovelock in Nevada. What a nightmare that was. The motel manager looked like something out of a horror movie and the rooms smelled worst than a ashtray. The Francoms tried to brush their teeth in the morning and the water was brown, we really tried to make the best out of a weird situation. Dad said that one day we will laugh about it, but until then Hunter described it as the worst day of his life. So we said a little prayer to thank our Heavenly for keeping us safe and drove the rest of the way home.

Blake Graduates from Hartnell

We had a lot of fun with the Francoms and their friends. We got to meet DJ. from South Carolina and of course Ryo from Japan. We all crashed in their apartment which had already been packed up. They have a park across the street from their apartment so we played some whiffle ball which made for some good times spent with the family. Then we had the opportunity to attend Blake's Graduation, which they translated in Spanish which took a lot longer then we had anticipated, so with all the graduations these last couple of weeks we are all graduated out. (In all of the rushing around we didn't have the time to make it to Idaho for Alana's Graduation, sorry Lana's but it was crazy here. Congratulations Alana, wish we were there for you). Now we get to load the trailer and make the long trek back to Utah....Yay

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Driving to the Francoms in California.

After all the graduation celebrations we had to pack up to attend Blake's Graduation in Salinas California. It had to be the worst driving experience we have ever had to endure. The GPS said it would take about 12 hours to arrive but the GPS did not account for the holiday traffic. We were making really good time until we arrived in Vegas and the traffic came to a complete stand still for 4 hours, then when the traffic would start to move there was accident after accident thanks to those idiots from California who don't know how to travel without hitting other vehicles. So anyway the drive took 17 hours. What a nightmare.

Hip Hip Hooray

We had a Graduation Party for our graduates. Mikey, Eden and Ethan, we also had Brittney Turpin and Eden's date Andres Lattanzio that also attended. Funny enough our Dad has known his dad for a long time. Anyway we had a lot of fun. Tons of good food. The kids danced all afternoon till Alan's family had to leave to pick Leanne's brother Joe from the airport. (Miss the Sariah Family when ever there's dancing) but the party must go on. Joe made his way from N.Z to witness Ashlyn's Baptism.