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Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to School

It's that time of the year when our little ones have to be in bed early to be up early to attend school. Can't believe it or how fast the summer has passed. It has been a lot of fun this summer. Our family has been fortunate enough to have all our children home this year for the summer. We got to spend a lot of time with our son-in law (Blake) that has been fun and we feel like we know him a lot more and how competitive he is, which is great cause that's how we roll in the PRICE family. He has been a great addition to our family and is well appreciated. We should thank his parents for raising a child in this day and time as great and insightful as he is. Sometimes you feel like some things are suppose to be, well we feel like Blake was destined to be a part of our family.

Anyway, moving on Tadd introduced our family to the game of BOCCE and our family has really taken to it.

We have spent a lot of time in our back yard or the Francom's back yard playing this game, we will play till it is so dark we couldn't see anything. So now we need to install some flood lights for the back yard. There's a project for Dad. Here are some pictures, but you can't hear or see all the taunting that is going on.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Splish Splash

Yes we go to Lagoon at least twice a year and yesterday happen to be the first of two. The whole family was invited and the morning almost always consists of rushing around finalizing what we will be taking and who will ride with who. So after fighting traffic we arrive and the fight over good parking starts, we found a good spot right up front, only cause two other idiots parked to close to the lines, that nobody was able to park in between them, so i had everyone evacuate the vehicle and parked in the spot anyway. Alan and his family had already arrived and had a spot in Lagoon-a-beach, but we set up outside in our regular spot. The day went really well, the kids had a lot of fun. The kids always have more fun when all their cousins show up.

The ride home is always exhausting, but Dad is the only one that feels the affect of that.

Blake & La-Shana riding the Wicked roller coaster. Look alive people.

Later in the afternoon we had a small thunder storm pass over and a lot of rain fell from it. That caused some huddling under the canopy till the weather subsided. Tadd had a game we adopted called Bocce.(pronounced Bot-chi) and we had a ton of fun with that. The teams we:
  • Blake & La-Shana were the winners and won 9 straight, La-Shana thought we should mention that.
  • Mikey & Ethan came in at close second
  • Dad & Tadd
  • Mom & Auntie Leanne
  • Keila & Uncle Alan

All toys Blake pretty much won.

These three we didn't see much of. They were off doing their own thing.

Blake & La-Shana riding the rocket, and we could hear La-Shana screaming from the other end of the park.

Here we are playing Bocce

Nap time at Lagoon

Here's a sighting of these three.

We spent a lot of time in this section of the park, cause Blake kept thinking he was going to win, finally. That never happened, but he did come awfully close and almost broke the record or set a new record. Felt like we were at a actual game cheering for Blake. Fun times. Well we do still have the Bounce Back passes.