A week ago somebody decided they no longer had a need for a dog and discarded their dog in our driveway. So we called around to see if anyone was missing a puppy and didn't have any luck. So it was off to the veterinarian to have the health of the puppy examined and to see if the dog had been chipped. For those that are not familiar with electronic chipping is just a chip that is inserted under the surface of the skin that has all the dogs information.
After determining the puppy needed some TLC we after much discussion we ultimately decided to adopt him into our family. Which also meant he had to have all his shots. $40.00 dollars later, that was accomplished. 
After all the dust had settled we finally named him Bo.
Now Max has a friend to play with and share his home. Don't think Max really likes the idea, cause the kids spend more time with Bo. So the kids bathe both dogs and here they are drying off.
The Veterinarian determined that Bo is about three months old and a Lab mixed with a Perriness. But how cute is that. How do you say no to that face.
Here we have another snow storm, that like any other we're constantly digging out off.
Hunter has really stepped up to the plate this year, with the snow removal. He's out there every hour trying to stay ahead of the game. Thanks Bear. With everybody working it has been really nice to have the extra help. This year is no exception to any other, there is always an abundance of snow.