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Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's a boy

A week ago somebody decided they no longer had a need for a dog and discarded their dog in our driveway. So we called around to see if anyone was missing a puppy and didn't have any luck. So it was off to the veterinarian to have the health of the puppy examined and to see if the dog had been chipped. For those that are not familiar with electronic chipping is just a chip that is inserted under the surface of the skin that has all the dogs information.
After determining the puppy needed some TLC we after much discussion we ultimately decided to adopt him into our family. Which also meant he had to have all his shots. $40.00 dollars later, that was accomplished.

After all the dust had settled we finally named him Bo.
Now Max has a friend to play with and share his home. Don't think Max really likes the idea, cause the kids spend more time with Bo. So the kids bathe both dogs and here they are drying off.

The Veterinarian determined that Bo is about three months old and a Lab mixed with a Perriness. But how cute is that. How do you say no to that face.

Here we have another snow storm, that like any other we're constantly digging out off.

Hunter has really stepped up to the plate this year, with the snow removal. He's out there every hour trying to stay ahead of the game. Thanks Bear. With everybody working it has been really nice to have the extra help. This year is no exception to any other, there is always an abundance of snow.

Mikey's toys

Well this summer Mikey decided to purchase a four wheeler, that we were not excited about. Quick little piece of Jap. crap, but we seem to spend more time fixing it.

Then he grew tired of removing the shell from his truck so he bought a trailer.

He also got a deer this year, so we have a lot of deer steaks and roast meat.
He has a goal of returning to the Cook Islands next summer, some how we don't see how he'll accomplish the task at hand when he keeps spending.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving in Colorado.

The week of Thanksgiving the weather fore cast was for a lot of snow, infact the weather man called it the biggest blizzard in Utah. So Mom bought a few things just in case we were snowed in. But we were blessed and the snow fall was minor so we made the trip.
We decided this year we were going to travel to Colorado for a few reasons.
1. We were able to attend Blake's Basketball Tournament. It's not to often that we are able to watch Blake play, but now that they are only 3 1/2 hours away maybe we can make the trip more often. (Oh and La-Shana has a friend that can get us cheap rooms at the Sheraton).

2. We wanted to spend Thanksgiving with the Francoms. This year Mom did something a little different and decided not to cook but to go out to dinner. That was all good till we saw how long the line was at the restaurant, not to mention how cold it was, so Mom and La-Shana stood in line while we found a Wal Mart to roam around in. Overall dinner was great and we spent the rest of the evening at the Francom's. Before we travelled to Colorado, La-Shana asked us to bring the Wii system and the game Just Dance. So you can imagine what consumed a lot of our time.

Here's the old man and Makenna.

3. We were able to spend time as a family away from everything. We had a lot of fun and our host weren't that bad either. La-Shana and Blake dominated Just Dance, we didn't stand a chance. The weather was cold so there wasn't much we could do outside, but Hunter and Dad braved the weather and went hot tubbing. We also spent a lot of time at Chucky Cheese got lucky a few times.

Blakes family also made the trip.

How cute is that.

Max and Keila were unable to make the trip, But we did have Mikey's girlfriend with us. She's been nick named "Cub"

La-Shana and her Elf, Makenna setting up her Christmas tree.

Hunter & Blake playing the Wii. (while Blake is watching football)

Because Mom had bought a few things before we made the trip, when we arrived home mom started cooking up the food that she had bought before we left, that was yummy

Monday, November 29, 2010

Visiting Ma and Pa

A few weeks ago, the stars aligned themselves and our schedules worked out to where we were able to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Salt Lake City. For those are unaware they are serving a LDS mission in Salt Lake City at the Church History Center. We have a hard time getting up there to visit cause we all work at different times. But it was nice to see them again, it just seems like it has been a while. We bought dinner and ate at the apartment. Had the opportunity to show Grandpa how these blog sites work and really wish we had done this sooner, like when their mission started. Lots of memories that could have been posted but later is still better then never.

La-Shana's Visit

So Blake's first game was suppose to be against UVU Nov. 3, but UVU backed out. Heard they were fined a large amount of money. Anyway La-Shana made the trip, so it was fun to have her home for the weekend. Below the kids are having a dance off, if i'm not mistaken Makenna and Hunter dominated. The girls all got manicures and Dad had some touch up work done. (eye brows waxed). Of course Mom & Dad payed for it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Makenna's Birthday

Makenna's 12th birthday was a blast! She and all her friends had glitter toes done ate tons of pizza and junk food then made some yummy carmeled appels. Makenna got lots of great gifts, but one gift they could not get enough of.... JUST DANCE! They played that game all night and all morning. They had dance off's and made a winners and losers bracket. Then they started making up their own dance's and made it a talent show. They finally crashed around 3 or 4 in the morning (Keila was out around mid-night 1ish).

Sunday, October 17, 2010


We were invited to a wedding in St.George and we are always looking for a excuse to leave Utah County, so we left Saturday morning at 5 am, cause dad had to work Friday Night. We had Keila and Tadd with us and we we able to stay at the Francoms summer house. Cute little place. Well it was also the same weekend of the St. George marathon and that caused some drama trying to get to the golf course in time for the wedding. It all turned out well and the wedding was short and sweet. Funny thing was Keila and Tadd showed up to pick us up and people thought they were wedding crashers, the bride even approached them to ask who they were. Awkward. We spent a lot of time swimming and talking it was fun just to sit and talk with Keila and Tadd. La-Shana and Blake were down from Colorado for conference weekend, yes if you weren't aware Blake signed for two more years at Mesa State, which will be only 3 hours away. Yeah. Anyway they watched Makenna and Hunter for us cause Makenna had a sleepover birthday party to attend and chose not to go with us. They had a witches party and had a costume party, La-Shana help Makenna and Makenna won best costume. Another great weekend in the books.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to School

It's that time of the year when our little ones have to be in bed early to be up early to attend school. Can't believe it or how fast the summer has passed. It has been a lot of fun this summer. Our family has been fortunate enough to have all our children home this year for the summer. We got to spend a lot of time with our son-in law (Blake) that has been fun and we feel like we know him a lot more and how competitive he is, which is great cause that's how we roll in the PRICE family. He has been a great addition to our family and is well appreciated. We should thank his parents for raising a child in this day and time as great and insightful as he is. Sometimes you feel like some things are suppose to be, well we feel like Blake was destined to be a part of our family.

Anyway, moving on Tadd introduced our family to the game of BOCCE and our family has really taken to it.

We have spent a lot of time in our back yard or the Francom's back yard playing this game, we will play till it is so dark we couldn't see anything. So now we need to install some flood lights for the back yard. There's a project for Dad. Here are some pictures, but you can't hear or see all the taunting that is going on.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Splish Splash

Yes we go to Lagoon at least twice a year and yesterday happen to be the first of two. The whole family was invited and the morning almost always consists of rushing around finalizing what we will be taking and who will ride with who. So after fighting traffic we arrive and the fight over good parking starts, we found a good spot right up front, only cause two other idiots parked to close to the lines, that nobody was able to park in between them, so i had everyone evacuate the vehicle and parked in the spot anyway. Alan and his family had already arrived and had a spot in Lagoon-a-beach, but we set up outside in our regular spot. The day went really well, the kids had a lot of fun. The kids always have more fun when all their cousins show up.

The ride home is always exhausting, but Dad is the only one that feels the affect of that.

Blake & La-Shana riding the Wicked roller coaster. Look alive people.

Later in the afternoon we had a small thunder storm pass over and a lot of rain fell from it. That caused some huddling under the canopy till the weather subsided. Tadd had a game we adopted called Bocce.(pronounced Bot-chi) and we had a ton of fun with that. The teams we:
  • Blake & La-Shana were the winners and won 9 straight, La-Shana thought we should mention that.
  • Mikey & Ethan came in at close second
  • Dad & Tadd
  • Mom & Auntie Leanne
  • Keila & Uncle Alan

All toys Blake pretty much won.

These three we didn't see much of. They were off doing their own thing.

Blake & La-Shana riding the rocket, and we could hear La-Shana screaming from the other end of the park.

Here we are playing Bocce

Nap time at Lagoon

Here's a sighting of these three.

We spent a lot of time in this section of the park, cause Blake kept thinking he was going to win, finally. That never happened, but he did come awfully close and almost broke the record or set a new record. Felt like we were at a actual game cheering for Blake. Fun times. Well we do still have the Bounce Back passes.